Busch-Jaeger Elektro GmbH Apps

ComfortTouch 1.0.3
Install the KNX operating functions of yourBusch-ComfortTouch® on your Android device!Attention: This App only works together with a ComfortTouchFirmware Version before Version 1.1, for newer versions of thefirmware there is a new App ComfortTouch 1.1Switch or dim the lights, operate your blinds or switch scenes froma combination of the listed functions - everythingremote-controlled via the ComfortTouch App. Please note that onlythe new Busch-ComfortTouch® 9/12.1 can be remote controlled incombination with the App. There is the option of programmingseveral Busch-ComfortTouch® devices. The ComfortTouch App can befreely configured. This allows you to integrate your own roomimages for example. Information on how to configure yourComfortTouch App is available at:http://www.busch-jaeger-catalogue.com/8136-0-0024,artikel.html
Welcome for myBUSCH-JAEGER 3.10.3_rc1_20231102_2048
Experience the door communication of your Welcome system on yourmobile device!
Welcome Door Opener V1.2
With the ABB-Welcome transponder module and the suitable ABB dooropener app it is possible to open the door directly with anNFC-enabled smartphone or tablet with the Android operating system(4.x or higher).
Busch-ControlTouch 1.0 1.3.4
The ControlTouch app is a client for the Busch-ControlTouch device.
Smart Home Explorer 1.0.2
Mit dieser virtuellen 3D Anwendung erfahrenSiemehr über unsere realen Smart Home Lösungen. Starten Sie dieApp undlassen sich durch die innovativen Szenarien im SmartHomeinspirieren.Für die echte 3D Ansicht ist eine VR Cardboard* erforderlich.VRCardboards sind in vielen Shops online erhältlich oder Sienutzendie Variante aus unseremShop:http://www.abb.com/buildings/vrcardboardDie App startet mit ihrer Sprache, sollte dies nicht der Fallsein,können Sie eine passende Sprache über das GlobusSymbolauswählen.*Brille für 3D AnwendungenThis virtual3Dapplication to learn more about our real smart homesolutions.Start the app and get inspired by the innovativescenarios in theSmart Home.For true 3D view of a VR Cardboard is * required. VR Cardboardsareonline available in many stores or use the variant from ourshop:http://www.abb.com/buildings/vrcardboardThe app starts with their own language, should this not be thecase,you can select an appropriate language on the globe.* Glasses for 3D applications
Remote Busch-Radio iNet 1.0
General: The app serves to easily operate a Busch-iNet Radio viayour mobile device. The app makes available the following optionsfor operating: - Selection of the radio to be operated - Operatingthe radio ON/OFF, setting the volume, mute, changing the station(favourites) Selection of the music source: Favourites / tunnelling/ UPnP / AUX Specifying favourites (stars) within tunnelling -Managing the alarm clock: Selecting 5 different alarm timesSwitching the alarm clock ON/OFF Selecting the alarm signal (beep /radio) - Setting the device: Renaming favourites (station names)Editing the URL of the radio station Resorting favouritesRequirements for the use of the remote iNet-App: The Busch-RadioiNet must be integrated via the WLAN into your home network (WLAN).If the Busch-Radio iNet is located as premium in a different mode,e.g. ECO, the radio must be switched on before it is operated. Theremote iNet app can be used from firmware version 1.52 of the iNetradio on, when you have activated and saved the remote function onthe configuration page of the iNet radio under App-Support. You canaccess the configuration via a browser athttp://here-is-your-radio-ip/app.shtml (e.g. The IPaddress of your radio is displayed in the Information menu of thedevice. An upgrade is required for older firmware versions of theiNet radio. Additional information about the Busch iNetRadio isavailable in the online documentation. If your mobile device withthe installed app is located in the same home network (WLAN) as theBusch-Radio iNet, you can select the radio in the app and use theoperating and setting functions.
Busch-Wächter® Remote control 1.5.4
Control the new generation of Busch-Wächter® presence detectors viaBluetooth
3D LiveView 1.1.0
Entdecken Sie die Produktwelt von Busch-Jaeger! Das Sortimentreichtvom Elektroinstallationsprogramm mit Schaltern, SteckdosenundBewegungsmeldern über Türkommunikation bis hin zuelektronischenHighend-Produkten für die Gebäudeautomation im SmartHome und SmartBuilding. Mit dem 3D-LiveView können alle Produktedirektdreidimensional im eigenen Ambiente betrachtet werden. WennSie sichentschieden haben, welche Designlinie zu IhrerInneneinrichtungpasst, können Sie den nächstgelegenenHandelspartner kontaktieren.Außerdem bietet diese App eineVorschau auf Ihre individuellenBusch-tacteo® Designs, die Sie mitdem Busch-tacteo® Konfiguratorerstellt haben. Das Trackingmotivfür den 3D-LiveView finden Siehier:https://www.busch-jaeger.de/fileadmin/de.buschjaeger/content_de/content/pdfs/Lichtschalter_3D_tracking.pdf
ABB-free@home® Next v2.2.4-92
The new app for ABB-free@home®.
Install the KNX functions of your Busch-ComfortTouch on yourAndroid device!
ABB-free@home - Smarter Home 3.0.6
Smarter Home with the ABB-free@home app. Home automation easierthan ever.
Busch-free@home - Smarter Home 3.0.6
Programming and operating your Smart Home with Busch-free @ home
Busch-free@home® Next v2.2.4-91
The new smartphone app for Busch-free @ home